{Actual Date}-{June 2, 2005}
{Actual Day}-{4/89}


Ppenguin757 has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
Dogdude84 has entered the room.
Clearwater88 has entered the room.
Gambluh2007 has entered the room.
BigWhale64 has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
JohnFatty has entered the room.
PharaohTH has entered the room.
Ppenguin757: YAY :-)
lil evil BRIAN: :-)
lil evil BRIAN: GOOD JOB GUYS :-)
Ppenguin757: wooo!
Ppenguin757: we own
Ppenguin757: oh i love crushing them on trivia
Ppenguin757: that was so much FUN
Dogdude84: i liked the missing letters one
Ppenguin757: lets do it again in 2 days :-)
JohnFatty: really nice job guys.
Ppenguin757: yeah, awesome job :-)
iamalwaysthemole: remember in ols9 when we would always be against each other penguin
JohnFatty: we have a hell of a team. who do you think they'll get rid of tonight?
Dogdude84: guys that was hot let's keep up the domination
iamalwaysthemole: mmx
Dogdude84: umm, an inactive
iamalwaysthemole: only one who hasn't been heard from
Ppenguin757: oh i hope they vote him off
Ppenguin757: burn him
Ppenguin757: shoot him
Ppenguin757: and kick him off the cliff lol
Dogdude84: lol we have a cliff?
JohnFatty: ok. guys gotta run out for a few hours. keep the koror spirit alive. awesome job!
JohnFatty: peace out guys!
Ppenguin757: u 2 :-)
iamalwaysthemole: maybe you've been here too long penguin
iamalwaysthemole: bye
Dogdude84: peace!
Ppenguin757: no...he just screwed me over in OLS 9
Dogdude84: oh revenge, lol
Ppenguin757: and i hate him for it :-)
iamalwaysthemole: how did he screw you over?
Dogdude84: with a broomstick
Ppenguin757: he said we had an f2 alliance
Ppenguin757: and we didnt
Ppenguin757: so everyone voted him out but me
Ppenguin757: and then i was singled out
Ppenguin757: and everyone stopped trsuting me
lil evil BRIAN: I think MMX will be voted out
Dogdude84: so we're only missing pharoah in here?
iamalwaysthemole: nobody liked mmx from lopevi, I didn't bother saying anything because I don't like talking trashing about people
iamalwaysthemole: yeah, 33.33333% attendance so far
Dogdude84: i wonder if attendance will ever show up in trivia
Ppenguin757: no...usually doesnt
lil evil BRIAN: im only changing fonts on meetings, i hate brown
Dogdude84: lol yeah we can use what we want in here
Ppenguin757: this is so great...we so owned ulong lol
Ppenguin757: and they picked themselves >_>
Ppenguin757: i counted
Ppenguin757: they got 4 points total >_>
iamalwaysthemole: we shut them out
lil evil BRIAN: GUESS WHAT? :-(
iamalwaysthemole: 8, 8.5, 9/9 for people here
iamalwaysthemole: what?
iamalwaysthemole: oh
lil evil BRIAN: :-[
iamalwaysthemole: mmx's mouth runs 1000 miles
iamalwaysthemole: j/k
PharaohTH: which person on our tribe are we missing?
lil evil BRIAN: LOL
iamalwaysthemole: john just left
iamalwaysthemole: he was here until a couple of minutes ago
PharaohTH: ah, ok
Dogdude84: back
PharaohTH: dog, do you have me blocked?
PharaohTH: i changed my b/l and you aren't on it
Dogdude84: no...why
PharaohTH: for some reason
PharaohTH: and it says you aren't on
Dogdude84: oh it's cuz my aim is screwed up right now...i can't see my buddy list
PharaohTH: oh, k
Dogdude84: it happened during the challenge for some reason
PharaohTH: odd
Dogdude84: yea
PharaohTH: so how's everybody today?
Dogdude84: pumped
Ppenguin757: good u?
Dogdude84: but now bored
Dogdude84: lol
Ppenguin757: well we're safe for another 3 days
Dogdude84: next challenge monday?
PharaohTH: definitely a good thing
Ppenguin757: mon or tues
Ppenguin757: one time we had a weds-thurs-fri sched
PharaohTH: hopefully it is monday, i'm off on monday
iamalwaysthemole: I haven't even been to tribal
Ppenguin757: neither have i :-)
Ppenguin757: and ive won immunity 3 times now lol
PharaohTH: lol
iamalwaysthemole: clear hasn't been to tribal if memory serves me correct
Ppenguin757: clear hasnt
Ppenguin757: u havent
Dogdude84: i haven't been either
Ppenguin757: ummm
Ppenguin757: dog
Ppenguin757: who else.
Ppenguin757: john?
Dogdude84: john has been
Dogdude84: he went last tgime
Ppenguin757: oh
Ppenguin757: well i dont like tc
Ppenguin757: so yeah :-(
Dogdude84: no one does :-P
iamalwaysthemole: we're currently on pace to set a record
PharaohTH: who left last night?
Ppenguin757: k well its like worse for me...it gives me a rash :-[
Ppenguin757: matgemini
Ppenguin757: buahahah
PharaohTH: omg, we voted out the hacker?
PharaohTH: that's a shock
Ppenguin757: ok, well let me see if i can rmember any games from OLS 9...
Ppenguin757: there was one with tiles numbered 1-4
Ppenguin757: with 4 diff colors
iamalwaysthemole: mmx dominated that one
Ppenguin757: and we had to arrange them so that no 2 consecutive numbers touched
Ppenguin757: no, i told him how to do that one >_>
Ppenguin757: he just did it fast
iamalwaysthemole: oh
Ppenguin757: what else?
Ppenguin757: i know there was trivia
PharaohTH: all of you were in ols9?
Ppenguin757: and i was constantly competing with you. case, and hill
Ppenguin757: and sky
Ppenguin757: no
Ppenguin757: just me, lil, and iam
PharaohTH: ah
Dogdude84: cool
iamalwaysthemole: but I was on a different tribe, and kicked out before merge
Ppenguin757: but yeah...that game was overshaded by the evil form
Ppenguin757: called buffy...
Ppenguin757: BuffyBoy83 a.k.a. SkyDouglasLP >_>
Ppenguin757: but w/e...that game was fun
PharaohTH: ...you let buffy win?
PharaohTH: ugh
PharaohTH: i read ols7
Ppenguin757: but nothing like this lol
PharaohTH: h8 buffy
Ppenguin757: well he was an alias
iamalwaysthemole: who was on yasur and didn't make it to this game?
Ppenguin757: i dont know who got cut
Ppenguin757: john
iamalwaysthemole: savvy, mmx and dampe are on the other tribe, and they were on yasur
Dogdude84: john....right now
Gambluh2007: thats right
Ppenguin757: no one else from lopevi
Ppenguin757: lol
iamalwaysthemole: I know case was cut
Ppenguin757: wow
Ppenguin757: well i didnt like him that much >_>
PharaohTH: case was always quiet it seemed from reading ols7
Ppenguin757: lol
Ppenguin757: yeah, he was
Ppenguin757: u know who i made really good friends with?
Ppenguin757: hill :-)
iamalwaysthemole: my annoying strategy didn't work in ols9
PharaohTH: and he was buffy's bitch
PharaohTH: which makes case sad :-(
Ppenguin757: no
Ppenguin757: oh yeha
Ppenguin757: lol
Dogdude84: lol what was the annoying strategy
Ppenguin757: oh god
iamalwaysthemole: to keep constantly talking
Ppenguin757: iam you were so annoying
Gambluh2007: im new to OLS :-)
Ppenguin757: it was u-mmx-ex-mat
Ppenguin757: i wanted to kill you all >_>
Dogdude84: lol
PharaohTH: lol
iamalwaysthemole: lol
Ppenguin757: but not now :-)
Dogdude84: i don't know how being annoying could possibly be an advantage
Ppenguin757: one piece of advice:
iamalwaysthemole: it worked for ju, khold, buffy, and someone else
BigWhale64: lol
Ppenguin757: don't miss meetings?
Ppenguin757: cuz it can bite u in the ass at TC
iamalwaysthemole: most that whale has said so far
Dogdude84: if u miss TC it can kill u lol
Ppenguin757: lol
PharaohTH: lol