Dogdude84 has entered the room.
JohnFatty has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
Ppenguin757 has entered the room.
PharaohTH has entered the room.
Cards39 has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
Dogdude84: hey guys
JohnFatty: welcome cards.
iamalwaysthemole: hello
Dogdude84: welcome to camp cards!
Cards39: thanks
Ppenguin757: WOO!
Cards39: i'm ready to actually win lol
Ppenguin757: lol
Dogdude84: *that's the shelter, the cooking area, the potty*
Ppenguin757: omg and our pet rock
Ppenguin757: hes a little shy
Dogdude84: brb guys
Cards39: pet rock?
PharaohTH: i'll be back in about a half hour, gonna head home, at my cousin's right now.
PharaohTH: be around tonight to help w/ questions.
PharaohTH: later all
Cards39: ok
Cards39: see ya penguin
PharaohTH: >_>
JohnFatty: so how we going to work the question thing?
JohnFatty: should we split the job evenly.
JohnFatty: we each make like 2 questions.
lil evil BRIAN: hey cards
JohnFatty: i'll take the role of sending them in if we need to have one person do that.
iamalwaysthemole: question 1: What is the last name of the winner of survivor ten? a. Manning b.
Cruise c. Westman d. Westbrook. Does that sound good?
Ppenguin757: thats too easy
Ppenguin757: ill be back on l88r...theres lots o fotugh ones i have in mind
Ppenguin757: heh heh lol
iamalwaysthemole: yeah it does. How about "How many trees were shown in episode 3? a. 0 b. 143
c.144 d.142
Dogdude84: back, got a cookie and a bike lock
iamalwaysthemole: see you guys friday, bye
Dogdude84: when is this due again?
Cards39: tomorrow?
Cards39: maybe
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: well i'll do my 2 questions, as that seems to be how we're doing it
Dogdude84: i'll make them hard and obscure
Dogdude84: so.............ta
Cards39: alright..?
Cards39: bye guys
Cards39: thanks again for picking me :-)